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The premier decentralized crypto exchange. Powered by Cosmos.
The center of the multichain future.
Access liquidity and assets from over 100 ecosystems.Trusted by 1+ million
users and counting.
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These tweets highlight positive feedback from our community of users and influencers.Real users show real love for Osmosis.
Backed by the best in the industry
Powered byOSMO
OSMO is the staking asset on
that is used to provide
security, build
liquidity, and decide on
future direction
of the protocol.
Backed by the best in the industry
Unlock the full potential of DeFi.
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Join the global decentralized community of OSMO stakers and vote on the future of the network in the latest governance proposals.
1 OSMO minimum stake required
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disruptive DeFi App.
Osmosis empowers developers to
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